Why Vitamins are Important to Your Overall Health (4 mins)

Why Vitamins are Important

Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that are important to your body. They perform hundreds of roles in the body. Vitamins are compounds that are needed in small quantities. Some vitamins are produced by the body, but most of them need to come from food or supplements. Vitamins are important for playing various roles in the body. The human body needs different amounts of each vitamin to remain healthy.

Vitamins are Important Nutrients for the Body

The body works hard every day to produce skin, bone, and muscle. It continues to churn red blood cells to carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the extremities of the body. Signals are sent skipping along the thousands of miles of pathways in the body and brain. It also creates chemical messengers that move between organs and issue instructions that are vital to sustaining life.

To do all this work, the body needs raw materials that includes at least thirty vitamins, minerals, and components that the body is not able to manufacture on its own. Vitamins and minerals are “essential nutrients.” They work together to fulfil many roles in the body. They are responsible for shoring up bones, healing wounds, and bolstering the immune system. But they perform many other functions too such as repairing cellular damage and converting food into energy.


vitamins in a hand


Difference In Vitamins and Minerals

Both vitamins and minerals are all micronutrients, they do have some differences. Vitamins are organic and are broken down by heat, acid, or air. Minerals are inorganic and retain their chemical structure. Minerals find their way into the body via plants, animals, fluids, or fish you consume. It is tougher to get vitamins from food sources and into the body because they are more fragile and susceptible to cooking, storage, and even exposure to air which can inactivate them.

Water-Soluble and Fat-Soluble Vitamins

There are thirteen vitamins necessary for a healthy body. They are classified as fat-soluble or water-soluble. That simply means they dissolve in fat, or in water.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

The vitamins that are fat-soluble include the A, D, E, and K vitamins. The body is able store fat-soluble vitamins in the liver or fatty tissue. They can be kept in reserve by the body for days or even months. Dietary fats play a role in helping the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins in the intestinal tract.

The four fat-soluble vitamins help keep eyes, lungs, skin, nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract in good repair. Here are a few of the primary roles these four vitamins play:

  • Building Bones. Bone formation is not possible without vitamins A, D, and K.
  • Protecting Vision. Vitamin A is essential for keeping cells healthy and protecting your vision.
  • Interacting Favorably. Without vitamin E, it would be difficult for the body to absorb or store vitamin A.
  • Protecting the Body. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant which means it helps protect the body from being damaged by unstable molecules.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

Water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body and do not remain in the body for very long. They are removed from the body through the urine. Because of this, you need a more regular supply of water-soluble vitamins than of fat-soluble ones that are stored by the body. The B-vitamins and vitamin C are water-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins play many roles in the body. One of their most important tasks is helping manage energy the body gets from food. They specifically help to free energy from the food for use by the body. Some of the reasons these vitamins are important to the body include:

  • Releasing Energy. Some of the B vitamins are essential for releasing energy from food.
  • Producing Energy. Thiamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, niacin, and riboflavin all work to produce energy in the body.
  • Building Proteins. Folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 help metabolize amino acids which are used to build proteins. These vitamins are also beneficial for helping cells multiply.
  • Making Collagen. Vitamin C has many important roles, but one of them is helping to make collagen. This is what the body uses to knit wounds together, support blood vessel walls, and form a base for both bones and teeth.


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Food Sources for Important Vitamins

The FDA offers federal guidelines that suggest the minimum amounts of vitamins you need each day. Unless you are concerned about your intake of specific vitamins, the numbers can be a bit overwhelming. People who have medical conditions or are at a risk of a vitamin deficiency sometimes keep track of their intake of specific nutrients.

Making sure to adopt a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of foods helps ensure you get the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. This means of course, putting an emphasis on daily consumption of dairy products, lean proteins, legumes and beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. The good thing is that most foods contain several different minerals and vitamins, so it is easy to meet your daily needs with everyday meals.

If you are unable of eating foods that provide vitamins and minerals essential for good health, you may want to consider taking supplements.

What Vitamins Should Be in My Supplements

It is great to get adequate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Another way to ensure you are getting a daily surplus of vitamins is by taking supplements. Most multivitamins have a long list of vitamins and minerals it provides your body. Envura's multivitamin has a lengthy list of vitamins included inside of it, which has been specifically formulated for people 40+. Along with the main vitamins and minerals, make sure your supplements include these key vitamins and minerals to prevent deficiencies:

  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Folate (Or folic acid)
  • Vitamin B 12

Envura Health provides a subscription for high-quality supplements to help you make sure you are getting adequate amounts of vitamins that are essential to your life. Our vitamin boxes are designed to meet your core nutritional needs. We want to help you improve your overall well-being. Order your subscription vitamin box and begin your healthy habit today!

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